This week, I accepted The South Florida Living Green Fair’s Mayors Challenge and now I'm asking for your help to show that City of Miami residents support water conservation. The City of Miami is dedicated to Green practices that minimize our impact on the environment. By reducing unecessary water use, we can all make a real difference for the planet. Please join me in taking a few minutes to review easy and helpful tips for preserving our precious water resources. You will receive a free family pass for five to the South Florida Living Green Fair and the City of Miami could win the opportunity to display an original 45-foot mural by marine artist and conservationist
With just a few simple steps, you can save millions of gallons of water throughout your lifetime. I know that Miami residents care about our environment and with your help, we can prove that we are "The Most Water Wise City" in South Florida.
Let's show that Miami residents care about living green. Take the Pledge HERE.-Manny